GB Spidex™
Agricultural and Industrial Elevator Buckets


GB Spidex™ is a pressed steel bottomless elevator bucket system that can double your existing elevator capacity and handle your troublesome materials.  This unique bucket system lifts material in a continuous column, so the carrying space between conventional buckets is fully utilized by material to achieve much greater capacity.




GB Spidex Elevator Bucket


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High Efficiency Elevator Buckets

  Seamless Steel or Stainless Steel (No Welds)    

Temperature Range:

  Contact 4B    


  • Double Existing Capacity    
  • Closer Bucket Spacing (See Features Tab Below)    
  • Self Cleaning, Vented System    
  • Handle Sticky or Aeriable Products    


  Increase Elevator Capacity or Handle Difficult Materials:    
  Four, Pellets, Prills, Sugar, Sawdust or Molasses Based Feeds    
  Product Questions? (309) 698-5611Phone or Email  Email  
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  Basic GB Spidex™ Specifications:   Material Selection Guide  
    - For More Specifications, See Product Catalog   How To Measure A Bucket  
Size (in.)
Back Depth
Actual Capacity
Bucket Spacing
4 x 3-1/2* 4-3/16 3-1/2 1-3/4 14 1-15/16
5 x 4 5-3/8 4-1/2 2 30 2-1/4
7 x 5 7-1/4 5-1/2 2-1/2 72 2-13/16
8-1/2 x 3-5/8* 8-21/32 3-21/32 2-1/2 58 2-11/16
9 x 6 9-3/8 6-1/2 2-7/8 128 3-3/16
11 x 6-1/2* 11-7/16 6-1/2 3-5/32 163 3-7/16
12 x 6 12 6-1/2 3-1/8 168 3-7/16
13 x 7-1/2* 13-3/16 7-1/2 3-15/32 220 3-15/16
13-1/2 x 7-1/2* 13-3/8 7-1/2 3-29/32 275 4-5/32
14 x 8 14 7-7/8 4 290 4-3/8
15 x 6* 14-7/8 6-1/2 4-3/16 214 3-7/16
16 x 8* 16-15/16 8-5/8 3-3/4 339 4-5/32
16 x 8 16-1/8 8-5/8 4-1/2 422 4-15/16
  * Non-Stocking Size - Special Order      
  - All Sizes Have Recessed Bolt Holes      
  With the GB system, buckets are centered at very   GB Spidex Steel Elevator Buckets  
  close spacing with a series of buckets without    
  bottoms followed by a closed bottom bucket.  The    
  material is lifted in a continuous column, so the    
  carrying space between conventional buckets is    
  fully utilized by material to achieve much greater    
  capacity.  The buckets "fan out" as they pass over    
  the head and tail pulleys to facilitate pick up or    
  The system increases capacity of an existing    
  elevator leg at a much lower cost than the purchase    
  of a new bucket elevator.  The GB system can also    
  be used in new elevators to give the same capacity    
  as larger elevators using traditional buckets,    
  saving manufacturing costs and plant space.    
  GB Spidex™ buckets are particularly useful with    
  sticky products which can clog up the bottoms of    
  conventional buckets reducing capacity and    
  increasing maintenance.  With GB buckets, only the    
  bucket with the bottom can become clogged, and    
  capacity can be rated to allow for this.  The    
  remaining buckets, being bottomless, are self    
  cleaning.  Aeriable products are also handled    
  easily as GB buckets have the ultimate vented.    
  Whether your leg is handling grain, feed, meals,    
  fertilizer, or industrial materials such as free    
  flowing cement, 4B can design a GB Spidex™    
  bucket system to deliver the capacity you require.    
  Sample Capacity Between GB Spidex™ and CC Style Buckets:  
    • GB 12 x 6:  3-7/16" Spacing, 630 ft/min Belt at Actual Working Capacity = 12,600 CFH  
    • CC-HD 12 x 6:  8" Spacing, 630 ft/min Belt at Water Level +10% = 6,694 CFH  
  Literature:   White Papers:  
  Product Catalog   Achieving Optimum Bucket Elevator Capacity  
  • Catálogo (Español)      
  Technical Links:      
  Bucket Elevator Design Service      
  Bucket Material Selection Guide      
  How To Measure A Bucket      
  Bucket Installation Guide      
Elevator Bolts

Elevator Bolts

4B is the world's leading elevator bolt manufacturer, producing all the well known industry types: Norway, Euro, Fang, Easifit, Ref70 and Easifit.

More Info


Elevator Belting

Elevator Belting

Rubber, PVC and FDA food quality belts are available. Belts vary by style and include: anti-static, high temperature, oil resistant, and flame retardant types.

More Info

Elevator Splices and Fasteners

Elevator Belt Splices & Fasteners

A range of mechanical splices and fasteners for use on most PVC, rubber and steel web elevator belts.

More Info

  What is a HIGH EFFICIENCY elevator bucket?  
  HIGH EFFICIENCY elevator buckets incorporate all five of the following characteristics: a smooth interior front face with no "breaks", wing-less side walls, close vertical placement on the elevator belt, a tapered bottom and the ability to nest for shipping and storage.  For more details, CLICK HERE  
  Why use Low Profile elevator buckets?  
  Low profile elevator buckets are created to achieve the closest vertical spacing possible on the elevator belt, thereby optimizing the system for the greatest potential capacity.  Some styles of elevator bucket require modification and others are low profile by standard design.  Wet or sluggish inputs do not generally load and discharge well in low profile buckets.  Due to the extra capacity that is generated and the weight of the additional buckets and material, belt PIW rating, pulley shaft diameters and motor HP may have to be upgraded.  Check with 4B engineering department about the best way to get the most capacity out of your elevator leg.  
  Why add vent holes to the bottom of an elevator bucket?  
  When elevating fluffy or powdery materials, vent holes in the bottom of the elevator bucket allow it to fill and discharge more efficiently.  As material enters the bucket, it encounters a pillow of air resting in the bottom.  Vent holes provide an escape path for this pillow of air, so that the entering material does not bounce out of the bucket and back down the elevator leg casing.  Upon discharge, the vent holes allow air to re-enter the bucket at the material exits, releasing any vacuum that might hold it the bucket too long, creating down legging.  
  Are CC style elevator buckets interchangeable with Starco elevator buckets?  
  Starco elevator buckets have a special shallow geometry and are intended to be placed extremely close together on the elevator belt.  Therefore, you should check with the 4B engineering department before replacing Starco elevator buckets with any other brand or design.  
  How long of an elevator bolt do I need?  
  When installing buckets on an elevator belt, use this simple formula:
(belt thickness + bucket back thickness + washer thickness + nut thickness + 1/4 inch)
  What is a "digger" bucket?  
  Some materials can form a hardened crust along the side wall of the elevator boot, and powders sitting over time can become rock hard.  Both of these issues can cause premature elevator bucket wear.  Digger buckets are designed to have slightly more width and projection than standard buckets, thereby "digging" through or breaking apart the hardened material, helping to prevent added wear to the standard buckets.  Digger buckets are traditionally made from steel, however nylon buckets may also be used depending on the application.  
  How many digger buckets do I need?  
  For most applications, use one digger bucket for every nine standard buckets.  
  Can I use buckets on an overlap splice?  
  An overlap splice doubles the thickness of the belt, so a bucket's projection will increase on the overlap.  Usually this will not cause a problem, but if it does, you can use buckets with one inch less projection or cut the tip of each bucket by half an inch on the spliced area.  
  When using an overlap splice, how much extra belt should I use for the splice?  
  The length of the splice should be three times the width of the belt.  
  How often should I replace head pulley lagging?  
  Lagging should be replaced every time the elevator belt is replaced.  
GB Spidex Elevator Bucket
GB Spidex Dimensions
GB Spidex System
  No videos currently available for this product.    

At 4B we have helped to upgrade hundreds of bucket elevators over the years for many different industries.  Our application engineering expertise includes: grain storage, animal feed, flour milling, brewing, biomass, cement, coal, frac sand, as well as other processing industries.

Using your key technical data, 4B engineers will provide preliminary design and component details to enable your bucket elevator to operate at its optimum capacity and discharge potential.  If your existing elevator cannot be upgraded to meet your current needs, 4B engineers can provide a basic design for a new one.

Take advantage of 4B’s FREE worldwide technical support from a team of engineers specializing in upgrading and optimizing bucket elevators.

To get a recommendation from our engineers, CLICK HERE to fill out our online form.